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Madness in the Streets

It seems to us the madness and lawlessness that has unfolded in the streets recently is only indicative of the current great instability of western society. Along with ongoing Covid-19 concerns, the uncertainty surrounding the economy, and also that prevalent in politics and therefore government policy, leads us to believe the large cap stock markets are overvalued and that a second crash is imminent, though it may not be as quick a downward trajectory.

We are medium term believers in gold and silver, and in the opportunities arising in the precious metals mining sector. We are short, medium and long term believers in industries that provide ‘stay at home’ businesses solutions, small and large. We are short, medium and long term believers in the home security and business security sectors. We are long term believers in the cybersecurity sector. We are medium and long term believers in the strengthening of the oil sector. Finally, we are long term believers in the healthcare sector.

While we hope societal tensions ease for the greater good of humanity, The Venture Letter will continue to provide coverage of the sectors mentioned above, as well as interesting special situations opportunities as they arise.

Be safe, good luck and good hunting.

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